Queso-cabraThe difference between the raw milk cheeses and pasteurized milk cheese is the temperature at which the milk is subjected with which it is processing of pasteurized milk cheeses, which usually reaches 70 degrees and does not exceed 100 degrees. The cheese processed from raw milk or raw milk, however, are not subjected to temperature changes greater than 40 degrees.

In Spain there are 26 types of protected designations of origin, they are processed more than 150 types of cheese. They are produced in the majority of sheep's milk cheeses, goat and cow cheese. In the stage before to the manufacture of which proceeds to pasteurization or not the milk, then you are working with raw milk or milk subjected to temperatures above 70 degrees, in the case of pasteurized cheese.

The reason for which will pasteurize the milk is very simple, to eliminate bacteria and microorganisms that may adversely affect the cheese making process and, above all, to have the total security that the product can be suitable for human consumption. In some countries like the United States, the controls are much more stringent than the use of raw milk for each type of food.

In Spanish territory, theoretically, it cannot market processed cheese with raw or natural milk with a lower curing 60 days. This is because the milk with which you produce these cheeses is not subjected to high thermal temperatures for the elimination of bacteria and microorganisms, which are to be exposed to a greater number of health checks to ensure a safe consumption.

Another difference between the pasteurized milk cheeses and those of raw milk is that the first reach all the parameters and status of the milk with which the product is processed, while the latter are more volatile and therefore some experts prefer to expense them than pasteurized. This is also one of the reasons why generally the raw milk cheeses are more expensive than those processed with pasteurized milk.

queso ovejaAs for the flavor, there are two schools of thought, some experts believe that the pasteurized food, in this case the cheeses, do not lose any taste or olfactory element with respect to the raw milk cheeses, while others who defend that, once subjected to the milk temperatures above 70°, the pasteurized milk cheeses lose part of the flavor, is compromised part of aging that also affects the crust. We must not forget that once the milk is subjected to a considerable temperature, with the purpose to pasteurize so that it is safe for human consumption, eliminates bacteria and pathogens that are dangerous for the organism, but at the same time we are eliminating and beneficial properties of milk that provide an intense flavor to the final product.

Certainly they lost many nuances of the product with the pasteurization of milk, but it is also true that these are practically imperceptible to the human being. So, it is important, when you decide to purchase a cheese, take into account other factors such as the purity of the milk, the curing time and especially the artisan elaboration.